Gastroenterology is a medical specialty which is concerned with the normal functioning and disorders of the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach, intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, bile ducts, liver, colon and rectum. These are the organs essentially involved in the passage of food through the intestines and the digestion and removal of waste. The typical medical complaints that a gastroenterologist is concerned with can include heartburn, colitis, gall stones, painful sores which can develop on the stomach lining known as peptic ulcer disease, inflammation of the liver and inflammation of the pancreas.
More typical examples of gastroenterology negligence claims can include negligently performed surgical procedures such as:
- An endoscopy or colonoscopy perforating or tearing the bowel or bladder during surgery
- Causing injury to the bile duct during surgery such as cutting, burning or pinching the bile duct which causes bile to leak into the stomach or blocking the usual flow of bile from the liver
- Gall bladder injury during surgery
- Mis-diagnosis of Crohn’s disease
- Mis-diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Our gastroenterology surgery compensation claims solicitors
If you or a loved one have suffered harm because of below standard and negligent gastroenterology then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. It is important you seek advice as soon as possible to protect your legal rights. We believe in putting you our client first and we are committed to achieving the best result possible while all the time remaining sensitive to your needs. Please feel free to reach out to us below and will be pleased to discuss your case and offer no obligation advice.
To contact one of our gastroenterology negligence solicitors please call 0818 888 555 or WhatsApp/call 087 398 7386 or complete our online enquiry form
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77 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 XE80